
A Quick Overview of Your Human Design Arrows (aka Variables)

The arrows at the top of your chart are called variables.  There are actually several different “meanings” attached to these arrows. Generally speaking, “left” facing arrows represent more active/structured energy, and “right” facing arrows represent more passive/flowing energy.  Variables are part of a more complicated piece of Human Design (including base, tone, and color). Variables […]

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Podcast Guest: Confidence From Within with Juliana Leamen

I’m so excited to share the podcast episode I did with Juliana Leamen on her podcast Confidence From Within. We are chatting all things Human Design, specifically how Human Design can give you the confidence (and really permission) to listen to yourself and tune in to what’s best for YOU. I got to know Juliana […]

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Living My Human Design: No Expectations Monday

A core part of living as a Generator is what I like to think of essentially as following your bliss. What is exciting to you, what feels good to be doing this day, this moment. Which sounds super amazing but also really hard to achieve. Our strategy is “to respond” but what does that even […]

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So You’re a Generator…

You pulled your Human Design chart and discovered; you are a Generator. But what now, what does that even mean? If you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator, it means your sacral center is defined (aka colored in on your chart). So your “energy type” is then that of a Generator or Manifesting Generator. Your […]

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To Respond- The Generator Strategy

In Human Design the Generator’s strategy is “to respond”, so let’s talk about what that means.  I think the closest definition of respond in this case is “to exhibit some action or effect as if in answer”.  I often see people confusing “to respond” with “waiting for the invitation” (which is the projector strategy).  I […]

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